Anna Vojtěchová (*1946, Praha, od roku 1971 žije v Kanadě a USA)
Studia: SUPŠ, obor hračky u prof. Fixla, UMPRUM, atelier filmové grafiky prof. Hoffmeistera, Královská Akademie výtvarných umění, Antverpy, Belgie, Akademie výtvarných umění, Hamburg, Německo.
Podstatná část tvorby Anny Vojtěchové zahrnuje ilustrace, především dětských a botanickych knih, z nichž se některým dostalo výjimečných ocenění. A.V. je také autorkou výtvarné složky několika animovaných, propagačních a vědeckých filmů, které vytvořila ve spolupráci s filmovými společnostmi a musei. Ve svém atelieru/galerii v Gloucesteru (stát Massachussets) se věnuje volné tvorbě, převážně malbě. Její dílo bylo vystaveno v galeriích převážně v Kanadě a USA a je zastoupeno v soukromých sbírkách po celém světě.
"Tous les oiseaux du monde" by Loiuse Darios Beauchemin, Montreal
"A Secret in my Pocket" by Madeline Kronby McClelland & Stewart, Toronto
"The Star Husband" Indian legend retold by Jane Mobley Doubleday, New York
"Wild Flowers for All Seasons" paintings by Anna Vojtech, text by Ghillean Prance first edition: Crown Publishers, N.Y. second edition: The N.Y. Botanical Garden Press
"The first Strawberries" Cherokee legend retold by J. Bruchac Dial Books, N.Y.
"The Shoemaker and the Elves" retold by Deborah Eaton Silver, Burdett & Ginn
"Blow Away Soon" by Betsy James Putnam & Sons, N.Y.
"Ten Flashing Fireflies" by Philemon Sturges North-South Books, N.Y.
"Maple Thanksgiving" by Joseph Bruchac Scott Foresman Press, Chicago
"Marushka and the Month Brothers" retold by Anna Vojtech and Philemon Sturges North-South Books, N.Y.
"Song of the Camels" a poem by Elizabeth Coatsworth North-South Books, N.Y.
"Otter Play" by Nancy Luenn Atheneum / Simon Schuster Co., N.Y.
"Giraffe Trouble" by Jean Craighead George Hyperion / Disney Press, N.Y.
"Elephant Walk" by Jean Craighead George Hyperion / Disney Press, N.Y.
“The Son of the Sun and the Daughter of the Moon" Saami story retold by Holly Young Huth Atheneum / Simon Schuster Co, N.Y.
"Tough Beginnings" by Marylin Singer Henry Holt & Co., N.Y.
"Over in the Meadow" by Olive A. Wadsworth North-South Books, N.Y.
“Janko and the Giant” by Joseph Bruchac Breakfast Serials, Denver, CO
“Penguin’s Christmas Gift” by Leslie McGuire Kindermusik, N.C.
“All Things Bright and Beautiful” by Cecil Frances Alexander North South. N.Y.
Scholastic New York Breakfast Sereals Denver,CO Kindermusik Greensboro, N.C. Henry Holt CoNew York Dutton & Co. New York Hyperion / Disney PressNew York Atheneum / Simon SchusterNew York North-South Books New York Scott Foresman / Harper Collins Chicago Putnam & Sons New York Houghton Mifflin Co.Boston D.C. Heath Co. Lexington, MA Dial Books / Penguin New York Silver, Burdett & Ginn Needham, MA Brown PublishingWellesley, MA Studio Goodwin Sturges Boston Crown Publishers New York Doubleday & CO New York McClelland & Stewart Toronto BeaucheminMontreal Publishers 68 Toronto Academia Prague, Czech Republic
HorticultureBoston Audubon New York NOUS Montreal
Museum of Natural History Ottawa Museum of Science Boston
National Filmboard of Canada Montreal International CinemediaMontreal Aquilon Film Montreal Atlantic Film Montreal
Phillips Record Co. Hamburg, Germany Deutsche Grammophon Co. Hamburg, Germany Verclas & BoltzHamburg Atlantic AdvertisingMarblehead, MA Mullen Advertising Hamilton, MA
1975 Galerie Laurent Tremblay Montreal,Canada 1975 Galerie du Vieux MarcheOttawa, Canada 1976 Gallery Passim Cambridge, Mass 1981 The Botanical Garden Montreal, Canada 1982 The Boston AthenaeumBoston, Mass 1982 Centre d'Art du Mont Royal Montreal, Canada 1983,84 Peabody Museum Salem, Mass 1985 Houghton Mifflin Gallery Boston ,Mass 1986 Abbott Public Library Gallery Marblehead, MA 1987 Arnould Gallery Marblehead, MA 1989 Anna Thiel GalleryCambridge, MA 1991 Anna Vojtech Studio, Beverly, MA 1992 AMERIFLORA '92 Columbus, OH 2002 Tower Hill Botanic Garden Boylston, MA 2002 Wenniger Gallery Rockport, MA 2004 Cripple Cove Studios Gloucester, MA 2005 Cripple Cove Studios Gloucester, MA 2006 Cripple Cove Studios Gloucester, MA 2007 Cripple Cove Studios Gloucester, MA
1976 Galerie Laurent Tremblay Montreal, Canada 1977 Magook Exhibition of IllustrationToronto, Canada 1978 Exhibition of Czech Artists in ExileMontreal, Canada 1983 5th International Exhibit of Botanical ArtPittsburgh, PA 1983 "Flowers and Gardens", The Mall Galleries, London, England 1989 Marlborough Gallery Boston, MA 1990 Francesca Anderson GalleryLexington, MA 1991 Francesca Anderson GalleryLexington, MA 1992 ARA GalleryHamilton, MA 1997 "From sketch to finish", Montserrat Gallery, Beverly, MA 1998 "Tell me a story", Wenham Museum Wenham, MA 1998 Chicago Art Institute Chicago, Ill 1999 "Made in Mass.", Norman Rockwell Museum, Stockbridge, MA 2002"Once upon a time", Wenham Museum Wenham, MA 2003 Wenniger Gallery Rockport, MA 2003 Child at Heart GalleryNewburyport, MA 2004 Child at Heart GalleryNewburyport, MA 2005 Child at Heart GalleryNewburyport, MA 2005 Rocky Neck Art Colony, Winter ShowGloucester, MA 2005 Mezinarodni plener Pardubice 2004 Pardubice, CR 2006 Rocky Neck Art Colony, Spring ShowGloucester, MA 2006Rocky Neck Art Colony, Winter Show Gloucester, MA
Stříbrná medaile 1979 Columbus Film Festival: artwork for "Your food + my food = our food" Producent: National Filmboard of Canada
První cena 1983 Marblehead Art Festival, category Printmaking
1993 New York Times Outstanding Children’s Book of the Year (výjimečná kniha) “First Strawberries” by Joseph Bruchac.
1996 Zlatá medaile ,National Parenting Publication Award 1996 Smithsonian Magazine Notable Book for Children American Bestseller Pick of the List “Ten Flashing Fireflies” by Philemon Sturges.
1996 CSCBC Kniha roku “Blow Away Soon”
2001 Nejlepší vědecká kniha pro děti, Soc. of School Librarians International 2002 Výjimečná kniha, NSTA/CBC 2001 Los Angeles’ 100 nejlepších knih 2001-2002 OCTD Cena za nejlepší knihu “Tough Beginnings”